The Bay Area

I get to travel to different cities for interviewing. This time, it was Palo Alto. Might as well make the most of it and travel! :)

Day 1: Sausalito

I got to experience some quality time with Surbhi. On the weekdays, I would be at work, so we could go out only in the evenings. We had some good Thai dinner and spent some time at the marina on the first day.

Day 2: Byxbee Park

Byxbee Park is beautiful! Did not expect such a serene place in the middle of chaos.

Day 3: 17 Mile Drive

I’ve been to 17 mile drive before this roadtrip. Wouldn’t mind going again! I feel like just relaxing on the beach or under the ghost trees all day.

Akshaya Shanbhogue Written by:

Akshaya is a blogger who loves animals, travel, tech and food.